Monday, 28 December 2009
An amazing Christmas Day!
Well Christmas day has been and gone and oh how good was it. All those new shiny presents to open, spending time with the family and eating as much as you can. For those of us out in El Medano we were granted the opportunity to go out on small sails ranging from 3.7 to 4.7 in starboard tack, cross-off and small waves. What a christmas day could not of asked for better to be honest.
Hopefully all of you out there enjoyed your christmas and are looking forward to the new year.
Here is a couple of photos from out here of the morning of christmas in front of the Kite Beach.
Thanks to Mali for the photos.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Christmas the time of south winds!
This last week leading up to christmas we have had very cloudy weather and a bit of south winds during the time it was not raining. The days have been still quite warm but the wind has been very gusty coming and going with the rain fronts that where coming through. Their was however still a few small waves still coming through enough to practice those ponches and goiters on the way in. Here is a picture from one of those days just out the front of the centre.
On Christmas day we were blessed with amazing sunshine and very windy south winds I was on a 3.7 and well overpowered in the gusts. Some pictures will be up soon of how it looked, but I must say it was a very nice Christmas present.
Laters Grey
Monday, 21 December 2009
Christmas comes early to El Medano!
These winds come in from the opposite direction than normal over here so we have perfect cross offshore winds and normally flat water perfect for those learning to gybe, a bit of speed or for you freestyle guys out there. So we have had a week of South Winds last week varying in strength from 8.5 all the way down to 4.1.
I have had some great fun out there learning how to freestyle again though I can say I am impressed by what every one is doing now after getting out there and trying some things.
Every once in a while though we are blessed with a bit of south swell in these conditions as well turning Medano into a perfect cross offshore wave beach. On this day it just happened that I had it off so here is how my day went.
I woke up to Adam calling me telling me there is waves and I should get down there quickly to go surfing. So after running down the beach I ended up on the water at La Puntita (a spit of reef at the far end of the beach) about 10:15 the wind had started to pick up a bit but the surfing was still good with some head high sets coming through. After 2 hours of surfing I walked back to the centre to see the wind had filled in a bit more. So by 12:30 I was out there ripping it up on my 4.1 Goya Eclipse and my 75l Quatro Rhythm. After having a great day sailing with all the guys around I came in to get some food at about 3. 2 hours later I had been well fed and had a quick nap and then went surfing again till it got dark around 6:30 as the wind had dropped again.
Coming off the water I was totally knackered but one of the most fun days here in Medano. Check out a couple of pictures below.
The forecast is for more south winds right through Christmas so we shall hope we get some more waves.
Thanks to Johnny for the pictures
To check out some more from the day visit
Monday, 30 November 2009
Goya Boards, Sails and Quatro Boards now in at the OTC
Well we have been having pretty steady winds here in El Medano around 5.3 to 7.0m Days the past week up until the last few days where it has taken a break. The future is bright though with tomorrow forecasting 18kt on windguru we may be in for a couple of 4.2 days. Well lets hope so.
If the forecast is looking good and you want to try some new kit then I suggest you get out here we have recently received a whole host of new Boards and Sails from Goya and Quatro just ready to be tested by you. For a full list of all the 2010 stuff we currently have in check out
Hopefully see you out here soon. I will let you know how the wind is the next few days.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
New Sponsors, New Blog, New Times
It has been a long time since I last posted anything but I was waiting for a couple of pictures to put up so I could announce that I have changed sponsor to Quatro and Goya Sails. I have managed to try all of the new sails out here in Medano and back in the UK where we had the Cornwall Mormaii Wave Classic.
The sails and boards are working amazingly well and I am super happy with them. Especially seeing as the first time on the new kit I managed to pull off 5th Place in the Event which hopefully is the start of some good results.
I am really looking forward to the winter out here in Tenerife, at the moment not so much wind but a big swell for surfing so I will keep you posted.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Thong surfing
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Wind Wind Wind!!
Monday, 20 July 2009
Small Session at El Muelle
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
New OTC T-Shirt's!!!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Sunday, 5 April 2009
OTC Closure!!
Medano Bike Park from Graham Woods on Vimeo.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Hello everyone,
The wind has dropped a bit for the next couple of days allowing us to clean up the centre, and get it in a clean state again, after a really busy week last week. The shop Solent Sailboards from Calshot were out here enjoying a nice week in some wind and sun. It didn’t blow hard really but they managed to get out almost everyday, which is pretty good going. Then on the no wind day we enjoyed an amazing trip to the Siam Park. Hopefully there will be a few videos to follow on that. I would just like to say from all the staff (including Stitch) here at the centre it was a pleasure having you out here yet again. Hopefully we will be seeing you back next year or some of you again this year.
Well as I have said before we have not had much wind in the way of wave sailing out here but we have had a few freestyle days. Not really much to say about them they were a bit of fun. Don’t really enjoy doing to much freestyle for a sustained period of time as it really hurts my ankles and knees. God knows how the pro guys can keep at it for so long. I have almost got a new move for myself called the toad. It actually isn’t that hard if done off a small wave just the landing, which is the hard part.
Well here as promised are a few photos. I hope you enjoy them. Check back soon for more updates.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009
Short Boom Cam Clip
Sam Flaka Session! from Graham Woods on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Jelly Fish in Medano!

Saturday, 14 February 2009
Hello and Welcome to my blog!
South African Holiday from Graham Woods on Vimeo.